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Free Sample!

February 22, 2011

We went to Costco around lunch time the other day. Just in time for all the free sample carts to be setting up & sharing their goods. The boys had the best time shopping that day! We stopped at every cart. Every. Single. One. There must have been 10-12 there. Monkey especially liked chatting with the servers (most of whom were of retirement age and seemed to enjoy chatting with him too). I was rather impressed when all on his own Monkey looked at one server’s name tag and said, “Mommy, his name is ‘Joe’.” Don’t ya know, he was right! The boy is learning to read!

On the way home, he told me that being a free sample man would be a good job for him.

The next morning, Monkey was off to Pretend Land and it looked a lot like Costco.

He got his nifty free sample cart, and put on a hat just like Joe.

He set up in the hall way and started shouting “Come and try it! Nice hot pierogies!”

When I came to get my sample, he let me know he even had a name tag. (His Jesus necklace).

I gotta get this kid on a street corner!

2 Comments leave one →
  1. February 22, 2011 2:27 pm

    Sounds like a good summer to sell some lemonade! 🙂

    • February 22, 2011 2:33 pm

      Ooo! Didn’t think of that! I’ll have to keep that in mind. Especially since he will be wanting more money to spend at all the garage sales I drag him too!

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